Remember to consult with your Physician before beginning ANY exercise plan or regimen.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 3 and Ab Ripper X

Just finished day 3

Monday Wednesday Friday I have Ab Ripper X, On monday it was pretty brutal. Today my success with it was a bit better. Although I may not be keeping up on everything, I am able to do full reps of most of the exercises compared to Monday where I cold only do full reps for about 1/2 of the exercises. ( Apparently the last exercise mason twists, it's 40 reps plus 10 "bonus" but I have the volume down sonce I do mine at night and missed that and was only doing 25 oops ) Today I think I only had 2 exercises I fell behind on without finishing.

Shoulders and Arms aren't too bad if you have the right weights. I've found with my adjustable weights that I've got to change them a couple times so I will be buying more bars and weights for faster changes soon.

Good rough sweaty day!

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